Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Indian Economy Analysis - Few issues and Challenges

Introduction: Entire world knows that Indian Economy is on growth trajectory for the past 15 years, ever since Economic Reforms are initiated in 1991. This blog will present various aspects of the growth prospects, challenges being encountered and few thoughts on how to attempt them so that Indian Economy ultimately claim the number One status in the years to come.
Detailed postings will commence shortly, and viewers and readers comments, criticism too are invited whole heartedly, since the intention of the blog is to initiate a wide range of discussion, on how we all contribute to the betterment of our society, where every individual living in the country, and having relation with our country too, is rewared, finally achieving the aim of "Swarnima Bharath"(Golden Age for India)


Selerines said...

Nice blog to hang on sir.. Different thinking sir.... I am having so much interest to discuss many things in your blog about our economy sir. Shall we exchange our links sir? Are you interested sir?

Ok tell me sir "Is the Indian Economy fully depends on the American Economy?"

Unknown said...


Indian Economy is more domestic oriented, hence, can never be fully depended on US economy.

US economy being the largest in the world, and US dollar being the 'defacto' world medium of exchange, every economy, including Indian Economy shall depend on US economy, which influences their currency movement.
